Corona virus disease is on the rise in Tamil Nadu. While 5 to 6 thousand people are infected with corona every day, yesterday the new corona infection was close to 8 thousand. As the second wave of corona spreads faster than the first wave, the Tamil Nadu Health Department is actively implementing corona prevention measures. One page vaccination is also active.

Meanwhile, the Tamil Nadu government issued an order on the 8th imposing new restrictions to control the damage. Only 50% of customers’ access to public places, including malls, theaters, showrooms and temples, as well as restrictions on going to the beaches on weekends, time restrictions on hotels and shops, and a limited number of people are allowed at weddings and funerals. When these new orders come into effect from the last 10 days, the damage to the corona does not decrease.

In this context, Chief Secretary Rajiv Ranjan will hold consultations with health officials at the General Secretariat tomorrow on the imposition of more restrictions in Tamil Nadu. With the daily corona exposure reaching 8,000, it is likely that Goutions will consult to impose further restrictions.