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HomeEnglishKovid vaccine: How the world's first DNA antidote Psycho-D works

Kovid vaccine: How the world’s first DNA antidote Psycho-D works

The Jaidas Cadilla Center in Ahmedabad on Thursday requested the government to use their new antidote Psycho-D on an emergency basis. It will be the fifth Kovid vaccine in India after Kovichield, Kovacin, Sputnik V and Modern. Psychov-D is basically a 2 or 3 tick plasmid DNA antidote. There is more information about the new vaccine.

Name: Psychov-D

How it works: Plasmid is actually a tiny sphere of DNA. These DNA antibodies enter the body and teach cells to become the spike protein of SARS-COV-II. Teaching the vaccine to recognize an important part of the virus will boost the body’s immune system. This vaccine is given at the skin level of the skin. There will be only minor pain like pin breaking.

How many vaccines: This vaccine is given 3 times during the test. The first vaccine is given 21 days after the first and the third after 58 days. However, the company said it found the same result in the testing of 2 ticks. So 2 vaccines will be enough in the future.

How effective: Tests on this vaccine have been shown in more than 26,000 people, and it is 7 percent effective. However, the research has not yet been released by the agency. Their antidote was reported to be effective against the delta species as tested in the second wave. However, the test was performed on 1000 people aged 12-16 years. Therefore, it is hoped that children will be able to take this vaccine when it comes on the market.

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Difference with the rest of the antidote: Like the MRNA antidote, the plasmid DNA antidote teaches the body to recognize and fight the spike protein of the virus. Covshield and Sputnik V work in a similar way through viral vectors. Novavax carries the protein into the body, and Kovacin uses the dead virus as an antigen.

When to market: The company has said it will make Rs 1 crore by mid-August. However, it depends on the clearance when it will hit the market.



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