Kovasin’s trial in India was canceled after India Biotech terminated its contract with a pharmaceutical company in Brazil. The Brazilian Ministry of Health said in a statement that the decision was taken following India’s termination of its biotech agreement with Brazil.
Bharat Biotech was to sell Kovacin to Presica Medicentos, a Brazilian pharmaceutical company. But they turned down the deal on Friday. However, India Biotech has not given any reason for rejecting the contract.
A statement from India Biotech said on Friday, “India Biotech is canceling its MoU with Brazilian company. However, India Biotech will work with Anvisa, Brazil’s drug control agency. The company wants to complete the process of allowing Brazil to use Kovacin.
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A few days ago, controversy erupted in Brazil over the Kovacin deal. The complaint is against President Jay Bolsonaro. It is alleged that India has not sent the two crore vaccines required for biotech. The Indian Vaccine Company canceled the contract following the controversy.