The second wave of the corona virus has hit the country. The damage, which was more than Rs 4 lakh, is now less than Rs 35 lakh. Similarly, the death toll rose to more than 2,000 yesterday as the death toll fell below 1,000.
Do not underestimate the third wave – the request of the Ministry of Health!
Do not underestimate the third wave – the request of the Ministry of Health!
As the curfew was relaxed, people wandered around the social space without wearing the old-fashioned mask. As a result, the Ministry of Health recently lamented the increased risk of a third wave eruption. Prime Minister Modi had expressed concern that 40% of people do not wear masks and buy corona.
In this case, people are accepting it as a forecast for the third rain in the corona, the federal health ministry said. It encourages people to take the warning seriously and act accordingly.